Hadi Lashkari Ghouchani

A professional Android developer and an amateur Theoretical Physicist.

Hey there! I am Hadi!

I'm the turtle in the turtle and the bunny story, so you will find me that I keep pushing forward to think deeper about the universe. Sometimes I cannot let a problem go out of my mind, like more than a decade, if it's interesting.

I like to make stable, scalable, maintainable, testable, robust, and correct apps. Recently, it looks like I'm diving into Gradle, and Nix, stuff. Increasing the developers' productivity grabs my attention the most. Solutions like having a shorter development cycle, especially by decreasing the build time, and also managing developers' dopamine releases, are the ways to go. To do so, I found learning and creating tools is the most effective way.

You can always find my updated resume in GitHub.

I'm mostly active in Mastodon these days in case you want to contact me publicly.

In case you like my works, your donation would be appreciated!

Or if you're not comfortable with PayPal, in Android or iOS, you can send it by Wise in Android or iOS to my email.