
Superconductors' puzzle pieces

Hadi published on
38 min, 7565 words

Superconductors' puzzle pieces

Since my master thesis, "Holographic Superconductors and Rotating Black Hole", I'm getting thriled by superconductors. It's not the case for everything that I worked on! For instance, I'm not a fan of Ads/CFT that I worked on it back then. Nonetheless, superconductors are so fascinating. High-temperature superconductors could change our life in a way that we'll call it superconductor age, if we wouldn't get extinct by then, the same way that we had stone age, iron age, and we're living in the silicone age. Writing of superconductor age, a piece of puzzle that I'll write here about is a speculation that a version of superconductor age has already passed!

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Hadi published on
27 min, 5203 words

Reproducibility can be understood by symmetries in a fractals

Reproducibility is a very interesting concept that is related to both Physics and Software, which I practice them daily. I thought it would be nice to share my thoughts about why it's important and why should we seek it. In fact at the first glance, reproducibility is an important concept without adding any new ideas to it, because in software, by increasing reproducibility companies can increase their revenue. But it's a little bit deeper than that, and even with such motivation, this concept is not embraced as it should be!

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